Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find in this section the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1. LuneXplorer

Q1 : What are the conditions for accessing the experience?

The LuneXplorer experience is accessible to children from 1.30m with no minimum weight and no minimum or maximum age. Children between 1.30m and 1.40m must be accompanied by an adult. Anyone wishing to take part must be able to fasten their seatbelt. The experience is not recommended for people prone to claustrophobia, motion sickness, disorientation, vertigo, inner ear sensitivities, and balance problems in general, pregnant women, people who have recently undergone surgery, or who suffer from heart, cervical or back problems. For people with motor disabilities, independent transfer from the wheelchair is essential.

Q2 : For whom is the experience not recommended?

  1. People prone to claustrophobia, disorientation, dizziness, inner-ear sensitivity and balance problems in general
  2. People who are very sensitive to motion sickness
  3. Pregnant women
  4. People who have recently undergone surgery
  5. People with heart, neck or back problems.

Q3 : How many people per capsule?

Each capsule has a crew of 4. If you are a single adult, you can complete a crew. If you are a single child over 1m40 tall, you can complete a crew.

Q4 : Can people with disabilities take part in the experience?

LuneXplorer is fully accessible to people with disabilities, provided they can transfer independently to the capsule seat provided. Two capsules are each equipped with an adapted seat. Transfers can be made from the right or the left. If you have any questions about the LuneXplorer experience, please contact our Accessibility Officer at:
A specific document will be distributed in the briefing room to explain the instructions to follow.

Q5 : Is LuneXplorer suitable for overweight people?

Large people must be able to fasten their seat belts. It is possible to test a seat and belt before the experiment, and the operator will suggest a test before mission access if in doubt.

Q6 : Do I have to pay extra for the experience?

No, the experience is included in the admission ticket.

Q7 : Can I leave my children with you somewhere if they're too small while I do the experiment?

No, at the Cité de l’espace, children remain the responsibility of their parents or a responsible adult throughout the visit.

Q8 : Can I get off/stop during an event if I'm ill or nervous?

The dynamic mission phase lasts 4 minutes and cannot be interrupted during the mission, except in the event of a real emergency assessed by the operator, who is in constant communication with the capsules.

Q9 : How many g's do we have to endure?

The crew members will physically experience the sensation of a real space take-off, from the acceleration of 2 to 3 g when the rocket lifts off, through to braking and the landing on the moon, which is equivalent to 2 to 3 times their weight on Earth.

Q10 : Are we tied up?

Yes, of course, like astronauts, seatbelts must be locked and checked.

2. Schedules and tickets

Q1 : What are the opening hours and days of Cité de l'espace ?

You can check opening hours and days on our calendar

Q2 : How much does an entry ticket cost? Are there preferential rates or offers ?

All rates and preferential offers are available online on our Tickets & Stays page


Q3 : How can I book my tickets ?

We advise you to buy your tickets online . You can also buy your tickets on-site on the day of your visit.

Q4 : What payment options are available ?

You can pay by:

  • cash
  • credit card
  • Amex card
  • holiday vouchers

Q5 : Can I leave the Cité de l'Espace and come back with my ticket or is an exit final ?

When you buy a ticket, it is valid all day, from opening time to closing time. You can therefore leave and return during its period of validity.

Q6 : How to get 1 ticket for my child under 5 years old?

Free entrance is granted to children under 5 years old. At the turnstiles we will give you a free entry.

Q7 : Je suis enseignant(e), comment puis-je obtenir mon billet d'entrée ?

La gratuité est accordée aux enseignants (es) de l’éducation nationale. Sur présentation en caisse du Pass éducation en cours de validité ou d’un bulletin de salaire datant de moins de 6 mois une entrée gratuite vous sera remise le jour de votre visite.

3. Visit

Q1 : Can I visit with children ?

The Cité de l’Espace can be visited by all ages. Presentations suitable to children are on offer as well as exhibitions for 4 year-olds and over.
We advise you to consult our visit suggestions “I am visiting with children 4-8 years old” on our phone application “Ma cité de l’espace,” available on GooglePlay and the AppStore .

Q2 : How long does it take to visit the whole site ?

We advise you to come for the day. Many exhibitions, events and shows are on offer. You can also eat here. Consult the programme for the day to organise your visit on our phone application “Ma cité de l’espace,” available on GooglePlay and the AppStore .

Q3 :

4. Useful information

Q1 : How to get to the Cité de l'Espace ?

The Cité de l’Espace is easily accessible by all means of transport: car, public transport, bicycle, motorhome…

The site has several free car parks accessible to cars, motorhomes and bicycles.
Consult the ” How to Get Here ” section to obtain all the information.



Q2 : Is the site accessible with a pushchair ?

The site is accessible with a pushchair. For maximum visitor comfort, you can take it with you during your visit. You will be asked to leave it in a dedicated space, shown by a pictogram, at the entrance of each show.

Q3 : Can we picnic at the Cité de l'Espace ?

Yes, covered picnic areas are available on site. You can consult the Where to eat section as well as the interactive map of our mobile application “Ma cité de l’espace” available on GooglePlay and the AppStore to locate the catering outlets.

Q4 : Is there a locker or cloakroom to drop off your belongings ?

La Cité de l’espace offers its visitors lockers to store their bulky personal effects (suitcases, travel bags, etc.). These lockers are available in the reception hall.

Q5 : Is it possible to smoke inside Cité de l'Espace ?

No, the site is completely non-smoking . Smoking is prohibited inside and in the gardens with the exception of the 2 dedicated areas in the gardens

Q6 : Are dogs accepted inside Cité de l'Espace ?

In accordance with our rules of procedure, only assistance dogs for blind or visually impaired people are accepted.

Q7 : Is the site accessible to people with disabilities ?

The entire site is accessible to the public. You can consult the “Accessibility” section to find out about the various facilities on offer. A pictogram is present on each of the activities that are accessible to people with disabilities. The facilities on offer are indicated there.